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KannonBALLER Spotlight: #44 Team Forte Foursome

We are stoked to be able to highlight one of our fav veteran rally family teams, Forte Foursome, in our blog today! #44 is driven by Toby Iddings and his trusty co-pilots are Ann, Nathan and Matthew Iddings. Although, Nathan and Matthew have been known to take the occasional nap during the rally they are always enthused and a wonderful contribution to our Kannonball Rally!

What is your team name and number this year?

Team Forte Foursome, #44 Toby, Ann, Nathan and Matthew

How many Kannonball/Falls have you done?

This will be the our 3rd Kannonball, we did the KannonFall last year and a couple of Holiday Lights Kruise/gtg’s.

What made you want to sign up for Kannonball?

Saw there was openings a couple years ago talked to my wife and it sounded like it’ll be a good time and something fun we could do as a family and the rest is history.

You only have $5000, what car do you buy and why?

I guess it’d have to be some sort of used SUV/family truckster... need something to haul our team/family of 4 that isn’t a mini-van!

You have $50,000 what car do you buy and why?

It would have to be a Porsche 997 convertible! One of the cars both my wife and I can agree are beautiful and owning a 911 has been a dream of mine since I was a kid!

What is your favorite thing about your car?

My favorite thing about my car is the surprise on the faces of people when I tell them “it’s a Kia!” And when we get the livery applied, Matthew (4), calls it “Daddy’s ka-chow”!

What does dream road trip look like?

My dream road trip would be Fairbanks AK to the Panama Canal in a beater car a’la Roadkill style.

Tell us your favorite memory from previous Kannonballs/falls?

Favorite memory is kind of a toss up, it’s either A. Having our number called at our first post rally party for the drawing and winning the portrait of “Mustachio”. Or B. Winning the “Top fundraiser award” for the KannonFall last year and being gifted with Penelope (see below)!

Check out the #44 squad on KannonBALL this year!

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