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KannonBALLER Spotlight: #22 Team RedLine

Today we hear from a definite rally veteran team who

What is your team name and number this year?

RedLine #22

How many Kannonball/Falls have you done?


What made you want to sign up for Kannonball?

I learned about this at cars and coffee and didn’t even realize these rallies existed (Where have I been!) I thought this sounds like a blast and signed up immediately.

What car (make/model/year/color) are you driving on Kannonball this year?

Z07 Corvette Convertible/ 2016 / Blue

What is your most embarrassing car story?

I have 2. When I was 16 I was driving my first car a 72 Chevelle SS, after a high school dance one night decided to race a buddy and was pulled over for doing 105 in a 30, actually had to blow through a red light because I couldn’t stop. The Police actually pulled a gun on me! The funny thing is I did not even have my hard copy license yet, I only had my paper copy.

#2 Bought my first brand new car 1983 Chev Cavalier, the first week we owned it, I parked the car, went into the house and about 5 minutes later I felt the house shake and rumble, yep the car followed me home, hit the house.

Tell us the story of your car, what made you want to buy this one?

I have liked corvettes my entire life, and have owned a couple before this one. I was trying to find a dealer that had an allocation available since you can’t just order one from any dealer. As I was looking I found this one at Luther Brookdale Chev a guy apparantly had ordered it, almost exactly as I would have and before he could take delivery his wife asked for a divorce. As it turns out I wanted a Manual Transmission and it was listed as having one, when I got there it turned out to be an automatic and I was totally bummed out. That is until I drove it! :)

What is your first car related memory?

Riding with my brother in his 55 Chev Bel Air

What is your dream road trip car?

Vette works well, not sure anything would different would do, plus it has a trunk.

What is one thing you have in your car at all times and why?

Power cord!

What advice do you have for rally rookies?

Go to the bathroom before we start and Don’t come in last :).

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